Wednesday, October 16, 2019

After All these Years

I have heard it said that once you've had seven years of friendship, you are destined to stay life long friends. I couldn't possibly be more blessed to be friends with her. 

After all these years we aren't married, but sometimes we act like it. 

After all these years we aren't dating, though sometimes I want to. 

After all these years we are starting our dream business together. 

After all these years she is more beautiful than ever. 

After all these years she still tolerates me.

After all these years she still impresses me with her kindness, true love, and strong will. 

After all, what are friends for but to build each other up? She certainly does that for me. I reach higher peaks, cross larger rivers, and trek bigger valleys because she inspires me. 

She has always been and looks like she will always be wonderful. 

After all these years it appears to be against her very nature to be anything but. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Power over fear.

I have so much to express, but no words come. It is as if they are afraid. Afraid, like I am afraid. I am not afraid of their shape but of their power. The power of words can be completely terrifying. Words cut through the body faster than any physical object ever could. You wait for years to hear the good words and spend hours dreading the bad. Then we realize words are only marks on a page or waves pounding on the beaches of our ears. We have power to assign meaning to the words and yet we are afraid. I am afraid of what your words mean. We are all frightened of what the words mean. 

Monday, April 21, 2014


(This is written in respect and memory of Johnny Ellis.)

That is what suicide is. Wildfire. Because your pain spreads to everyone, out of control. It leaps from person to person, clinging to everything. If you somehow feel that it will all just disappear when you leave, I am here to tell you it doesn't.  Pain is left with everyone you came in contact with and everyone that they meet.  Your memory will live on.  But not you.  And that is the pain that spreads like wildfire.

I never knew you. I don't even recall seeing your face in the halls, but I have met the people who met you. I have laughed with people who laughed with you. I have even cried with people who have cried with you and now for you. We are all interconnected and I am sorry that I never had the time to say hello or goodbye. And now I will never have the chance. 

I now pray that I can start a fire of my own; a fire that will touch every individual. A fire of love.  A fire of respect.  A fire of friendship and compassion.  A fire of belonging.  After all, we are all connected, even if some of us would not like to be. I affect your life and you affect mine. I hope for all people that when the time comes that they must die, that they die with their hand held in the hand of another human being. Don't die all alone with a blade or a bottle held in that hand.

Please choose to look to your side and see the person who thinks they are not seen. And please, please, see them.  Because when they are seen they are not alone.  They know there is someone else-someone who maybe cares. The slightest hope pierces the darkest night. 

Spread your fire of love to your brothers and your sisters.  To mothers and fathers.  To all people you meet. Because fire will spread whether or not you want it to. So we choose the fire.  A fire of pain or a fire of love.  If we choose the latter, maybe one day we will see the effect of our love. Maybe, just maybe there will be one less suicide. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Moving on

Just look up, and don't look back. Sometimes people change and often they don't. In the end I am very sorry that you should think, that I could ever blame you. Maybe it's not me but maybe it is. If it is I am sorry and if it isn't I am still sorry. That you could ever hurt like that. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bah Humbug

Happy New Year. Bah Humbug, it is just going to be like last year and the year before that. And now that you have read my negative post, try and make a New year resolution to not post negative things, or even try to avoid pointing out peoples mistakes (grammar and spelling). It could make the social media world a better place. A very merry new year to you all.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Never the same

So I realized that I will never be the same. No matter what happens good or bad. I will never be the same, as I am in this moment. I will change. So I choose to change for the better. No matter what happens I can choose who I am. If bad things happen I can still choose to be good. I can't direct what things happen to me but I can choose how I react to those things.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Blue Skies

I am waiting for this storm in my life to fade into blue skies once more.