Friday, June 21, 2013

More Questions

Someone told me to ask some of these questions, so I added some to make it more interesting. If you are reading this blog feel free to answer any or all of these questions. Write a comment or post a link to your own blog. Or just answer them to yourself. It will be fun.... Maybe.
  1. If you were told you had six months left to live and someone handed you a million bucks, what would you do?
  2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  3. How old do you consider yourself to be? (body & soul)
  4. Who means most to you in the world? 
  5. Do you believe in God?
  6. What's your favorite color and why?
  7. Tell me a song that brings back a lot of memories.
  8. Tell me a song that changed your life.
  9. Tell me about something you love to do and why you love to do it.
  10. Tell me a joke.
  11. How do you want to be remembered as a person?
  12. Why do you read my blog?
  13. Why are you here, on this earth?
  14. What type of art do you love? (dancing, singing, painting, just any art)
  15. What do you love about yourself?
  16. What do you love about other people? 
  17. Why do want to be loved?
  18. What makes you sad?
  19. What are some things that bring you Joy?
  20. What would you do to make the world a better place?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Here we go again.

Yeah I know you are quite sick of me talking about...... you know who (the good attractive one, not the one without a nose), but here is some more. Well I have learned my lesson ( not really). I stopped loving her (well that's a lie). I am completely OK (who doesn't say that, really). Well lets see hmm I am going crazy. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. I love her the same way every day, but there is no love for me. No, she does love me but not like I love her.
Someone once told me my blog was sad. I just want to say I am sorry. We all have enough pain in our lives.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Questions and answers.

These are some questions I was asked I thought you guys would like to know the answers.

1. If you were told you had six months left to live and someone handed you a million bucks, what would you do?
2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
3. How old do you consider yourself to be? (body & soul)
4. Who means most to you in the world? (Don't answer this if it's too personal)
5. Do you believe in God?
6. What is a strange dream you've had?
7. What's your favorite color and why?
8. Tell me a song that brings back a lot of memories.
9. Tell me a song that changed your life.
10. Tell me about something you love to do and why you love to do it.
11. Tell me a joke.
12. Finally, how do you want to be remembered as a person?

1. I would give it all away. 1 million dollars it wouldn't mean anything with 6 months t live. Money can gain and lose value in a moment. I wouldn't want a penny of it. I want something that lasts. With so little time I would want give away one thousand nice words to people I don't know. Real sincere words, words that meant something. That would be worth more than all the money in the world. I love words more than I love any earthly thing.
2. Is happy an answer. That's all I really want is to be happy. I use to think once I had money I would be happy but that's not true.
3. My body is young, but my soul is so so old. I don't even know the age of my soul but I can tell you one thing I feel old.
4. I used to think money or power, but I realized that I was not happy. I know Power isn't a person but I loved it more than anyone or anything. With this girl I know, I would be dead or far worse of than I am now. She means the most to me.
5. With every fiber of my body. I know he lives and I love him. With out him there would be no me.
6. I don't dream when I sleep. I only dream when I am awake.
7. I love all the shades of blue because of my love of the sky and the magical ocean, but I also love all the shades green for its dependency and because I love things that grow. I love the shades of red because it is the symbol of passion and love. I love yellow and oranges because they are the symbol of happiness and I love to be happy, but what I love most is grey. I bet you wonder why I love grey, it is because of her eyes. What she considers boring and lifeless I find love. Grey has become the color of love for me. Not because the world said so, but because she said so.She made it mean love, she changed my view.
8."People Will Say We're In Love". It used to be me and her when we were "married". I didn't realize how much it was true.
9."Who am I?". I was lost then I was found, this song change my life.
10. I love to paint, no I just love art. All types of art, because I love beauty.
11. Do you know whats funny, people. People are funny.
12. I don't want to be remember, I want what I did to be remembered. I want people to see what I have done not and not acknowledge me. Its about them, not me.

Monday, June 3, 2013

What I thought....

I thought I was different. Or maybe that's what I dreamed. I dreamed of being different but I ended up just like the rest. I am just another rude disrespectful teen. I fell and I fell hard. To my friends I am the moneylender, a cruel old man who has no feelings. To her I am creepy always there and always thinking about her. To my parents they think I am lazy, the way they talk about me, I sound like the average teen. The biggest question is what am I, what am I really? Am I the moneylender? Do I not care about others? Am I creepy or do I just care? Am I lazy or am just tired? I will tell you who I think I am, I am old much to old for this young body. To old for anyone to love me. I am an artist I love the colors of the world. I am a lover not a fighter. My friends often say I am mean or cruel, but I just care about them, so I don't want them to get hurt. I care so I am mean, does that make sense? Is it a hard love?I dream about them understanding that I care.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

All I want.

I just want a small cottage with large library, that is full of thousands of books. Good books, bad books, books that small of paper, and books that smell of leather. I love words,  no I love good words, I just want to write forever and ever. I also just want to find time for all of my Oil paintings, or my sculptures. I would love to just create I miss that. I want to bake and cook, and find time for all the things I don't find time for, but most of all I just want to be happy. I will be happy if shes happy and if shes not then I will do my best to make her happy. If that does not work then I will just have to choose happiness, but I will not forget her.