Friday, September 6, 2013

There are no happy endings

I'm sure that title made you think I have totally lost it, but I promise I am perfectly sane. Well maybe just a little insane. Well,  anyways I realized that I don't want a happy ending, nor do I want a sad one. Because an ending in and of its self is sad. I think that we all need a happy progression. I want to eat sour fruit, so that the sweet is that much sweeter. I want to laugh and to cry. I want to make people happy, and I'm sure someone else will do the job of making them sad.

Well back to what I said before, there are no happy endings, because life won't just end. Life will go on and it won't end on a high note just as it won't end on a low. I is a constant song of low and high notes that create music. Maybe my song has been just a little sad but that doesn't mean it will stay that way forever. 

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