Monday, May 13, 2013

I am a Seeker of truth.

I am always on a quest, a quest for truth. I believe happiness is truth, but let us take a moment to understand what truth is. Truth is right, truth is holy, and truth is love. Happiness is a root from the tree of love. There are but two trees. The tree of love and the tree of fear. Hatred, greed, lust, and anything that would be considered evil are from the tree of fear. Fear is a wretched tree that at first glace all would turn away, but when one just sees the roots they do not know to turn away. The other tree is the tree of love. It is not some hippie form of love or some teen love triangle, it is not ever what many people base their relationships off of. It is a deep true love. Love, that is not selfish. Love without physical attraction. It is based off of caring more about another person more than yourself. You care for their happiness more than your own, and in the end you are happy if they are. All that is truth comes from the tree of love.

Trees grow as do love and fear. They are always growing more roots and they are always spreading. You must be careful to know which tree the root is from before you cling to it. I have been on a quest for truth and I have found it in love.

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