Thursday, May 9, 2013

I hope

The only reason I would ever want her to be with me, is if I made her happy. My love for her is not for me, it is for her. I could never do anything except make her happy. So I think that has led me to where I am now. I'm going to try and give her some space. I have only added drama so I will leave her to be happy. If I could stop loving her I would, but I don't work like that. All that I want is her happiness. I have loved her since the day I met her. I did not realize that till a little while ago. I would never want her to love me now. Because nothing could come of it. If she ever did love me (which she won't) I would have it be later rather than sooner. Things that take the longest to form are the hardest to destroy. If it took me a thousand years then, it would be a thousand years well spent. If I had to walk a thousand miles, then I would walk them gladly. Anything worth working for is worth waiting for, and if its worth waiting for then it is good. I will wait and I will see where it leads me. I hope it leads me to joy, and I hope when it is all said and done. I hope she finds the joy and love she so desperately needs, but I hope it happens at the right time for her. I hope it isn't rushed. I hope it will last for her.

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