Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just a friend.

Tonight I was just a friend. They call me a brother, but I am just a friend. Their boyfriends will come and go, but I will always be there. I used to think that I needed to be more than just a friend. I was jealous of all of their relationships, but then I realized it's ok to just be a friend. I am there for you and I have always been there for you, all of you. When life gets you down I will lift you. When you are sad I will cry with you, but I will not let you cry forever. Because every sad tear that you shed, I will make you shed a happy one. You mean that much to me. If you are lost I will find you. I will always find you. Just remember when you need a dance partner, I will be there to dance awkwardly by your side. It is not the best dancers who are the happiest, it is the dancers who dance with their friends.

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