Monday, April 29, 2013

Writing about her...again.

Some how someone told me, she thought, that I believed we were soul mates. I know this is not the case. I never asked for her love. I wanted, but I never asked. The hardest part about loving her is knowing that she will never love me, but that's ok. I begin to understand her more and more every day.  So I know that there will never be love between us. I know that it's just a one way love. I'm on a one way road. and it leads to her. I will never reach her, but I will always love her. I don't want to be some charity case. I want love and if its not real then I would never want it. This is why I have such a hard time letting people help me. I have a hard time knowing when its real love, or if its just someone feeling like they are the be all and end all of charity, and they need to help to make themselves feel better. Love is helping them first then felling good. Not wanting to feel good then helping them.

1 comment:

  1. Charity is the pure love of Christ. If someone wants to give you that, there isn't anything better.
