Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Laughter: A force that can BUILD or DESTROY

Every day a new challenge. Today, I look insanity in the face and I laugh. A laugh that warms the heart or chills the bone. Laughter has the power to build and destroy. A laugh can build a relationship or completely ruin one. No one likes a laugh meant to harm. On the outside you laugh with them, but on the inside you fall. You fall so far from your nest on the tree limb. The fall is so far. You never want to fall again, but it happens so often you begin to ignore the pain. You cant stop other people from hurting you but you can stop hurting other people.  One simple chuckle is all it takes to make someone's soul soar higher than the clouds. It makes them feel wanted. Like a bird finally being able to fly. Like they belong.

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