Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The old souls

I do indeed feel like an old soul. I may look young, but when you look in my eyes you can see the age. I spent my time waiting for the opportunity to come here to this earth. I will not throw away this great gift. I have seen first hand the pains of the world. Don't anyone dare say I have not felt pain.I have seen pain but I have also found joy. I have discovered joy in places I did not expect. I have found joy in poverty and I have found pain in wealth. I don't wish for more power, just happiness. 

I feel as if I know nothing, but have seen a thousand lifetimes of the earth. It hurts some people to try and think about eternity, but I found out that's because they are trying to think about the end. I just think about the blessing of learning and growing forever. That will be my joy.

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